Jill Birkinbine's Portfolio

PageFlakes Webpage

Designed for Tenth Grade

The first module of the semester taught us how to make a basic web page for our classroom on the hosting site, PageFlakes. This website allows us to customize a page with backgrounds and boxes. I changed the boxes to reflect my area of teaching: life science. The assignment was to make a page where students can go as a resource.

I chose to make my page a virtual bulletin board. Here, students can find a variety of resources pertaining to what is happening in class. Each box has a title and is placed in sections depending on what it is about. Ease of use is key so parents and students can both use it. There are also places on how to contact me.

Because PageFlake is undergoing problems right now, I could not post a screen shot. Click on the screen shot of the PageFlake homepage to go to my PageFlake. OR click on the hyperlink above.